In my last tutorial, I talked about the TCA9548A MUX which can be used to add at the max of 64 I2C or I²C sensors to your Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32.In this tutorial, I am going to talk about the PCF8574 8 ...
This video will show you how to install pegboard on a garage wall. Hanging pegboard on the wall of your garage is a great way to save space, sometimes it is easier to find a tool on the wall than with ...
Baby cobra pose is used in a lot of different yoga classes that you go to. This is why it's important to understand the foundations of how to do this yoga posture. Get empowered by building knowledge ...
This video will show you how to make a blanket, quilt, decorative wooden ladder for your home.They are a great way to showcase your favorite blankets or quilts on while adding that welcoming feel to y ...
My wife and I recently started a family Youtube Channel we call the House of Watson Our desire is to help marriages and families create lasting memories an ...
Helping kids show kindness to one another can be challenging. We were noticing we were kinder to our friends than our family. So we started a monthly game with our family to help us become kinder to e ...
Kendra Kulak teaches a quick 15 minute yoga sequence to help build flexibility in the spine. It is very easy to have decreased mobility as we get older, from sitting too much and not moving enough. Tr ...
Welcome to Play Acoustic channel. Today's lesson is Another Brick in The Wall by Pink Floyd. It is really so easy to play with only 4 chords. I am showing all parts in this video. Please subscribe my ...