With everyone so focused on printing masks, SelfCAD decided to design something that will help people outside of the quarantine. Take a look at the tutorial attached to learn how it was designed. ...
"Tis but a scratch!" Monty Python's Black Knight lost everything but his helmet. Here it is! No flesh wounds necessary to obtain passage - learn how to model the Black Knight's Helmet here. #SelfCAD t ...
This is one of my favorite character in FF series, I spent a lot of time to design it, hope everyone likes it ^^ ...
This is my design, an updated version of my Dragon Koi. It needs nine 1x2 papers to make (Vietnamese money size is 6.5cm x 13cm). It is not difficult, I think. ...
This is the 2nd lesson from my #coronavirus #homeschooling 3dModeling curriculum. In the #selfcad lesson you will learn all the transformations while modeling a nice wooden staircase.Sign up to SelfCA ...
My school is now #homeschooling because of the #Coronavirus so i'm starting an online 3D modeling class for my students and sharing it on YouTube for other people as well.See class playlist at bit.ly/ ...